The world of the Internet and its technological branches are jumping rapidly. What seems relevant today is no longer applicable tomorrow, or at least requires significant changes in its development or implementation. Companies struggle to keep up with these changes and resort to shortcuts to stay afloat. Customers and customers pay more and more attention to the most modern, easy-to-download, navigation-oriented, feature-rich and secure applications. The only way to verify this is through website testing. However, as technological advances have covered areas such as social networks, mobility, the cloud, big data or IoT, you must invest in any company that provides commercial or website testing services. Investments should be aimed at attracting resources, training and implementing advanced field systems.

Consequences of not testing the website

  • User dissatisfaction: the crash-prone website will not meet customer satisfaction criteria. In fact, this can be harmful in the form of loss of personal or financial information. For example, fraud can be hacked by a mobile e-commerce application or a web application capable of stealing credit/debit card data. In addition, user dissatisfaction can be caused by limited functionality, ease of navigation, usability and slow loading.
  • Loss of brand value. Creating a brand is a long and expensive process. The right strategy is needed to reach customers. However, all of this can remain nothing if the website products or services are below par. And when customer trust is broken, it is very difficult to return it.

  • Competitors have a field day: users are very demanding. If they find that the website product of a competing company is better in terms of quality and performance, then they will start using it. Therefore, the lack of a website services company to test the quality of the website can help competitors take the initiative.
  • Loss of revenue: when end customers are not satisfied with the quality of the product, they can refuse the product. This can mean loss of income and a serious impact on earnings.
  • Excess costs: if the user detects a malfunction while using the application, this may lead to a review. In other words, the development team needs to rewrite the code to correct the error. This leads to excessive costs, since the team will have to devote valuable time to reworking.

If the problem of frequent technological changes in the digital landscape is insufficient, there is a greater threat of cyber fraud. According to industry estimates, about 70 percent of the website can be hacked due to its integrated vulnerabilities. Consequently, companies must hire a company that provides website testing services, or for the latter to update its website testing platforms and methodology.

The contributions of companies to website testing have shifted to 먹튀검증. As for website testing methodologies, QA is a continuous process and works in parallel with the development. The idea is to identify technical failures in the initial stage of development and qualitatively transform the functionality/characteristics of the final product. Other results of using the 먹튀검증model are faster time to market and automation tests.